East West International Field Day

Feb 2, 2017
East West began in 1982 with the goal of blending European style seedsman ship with Asian tropical vegetables. They were convinced that by introducing intensive breeding programs to developing vegetable seed markets, the lives of farmers would improve while building a successful business.
The East West Seed International Field Day this year 2017 took place on the 24th and 25th of January. Members from the AAA Agri-Input Sector Desk attended in numbers with great expectation.

On day one; members went for a field day at Vasso in Kibosho Moshi. Participants from different countries had a chance to learn on the different seed types for different varieties of fruits and veggies such as amaranthus, lettuce, cabbage, pumpkins, tomatoes, radish, beet roots and watermelons. They were told on the types that are suitable and on high demand in the EA regions. They also got to taste different produce from different plants, for them to identify the difference between the seeds from one fruit variety.

Following the field visit from the open crops (open farms) members visited the green houses from which some of the newly inside crops were being tested and grown (bell peppers, tomatoes). Some newly grafted plants were also available for members to learn and see.

After the visit, a Question and Answer session was led by the organizers where detailed explanations of the seeds were done. Countries such as Morocco were ready to invite AAA members after a discussion on grafting.
On day 2, the Game Tour, members visited the Tarangire National Park in Arusha Tanzania courtesy of East West Seed International. On this trip they managed to network with participants from different countries.
The outcome and success of the event was that a couple of deals were made throughout the 2 days, especially deals from MAMS Tanzania, Dryland Seeds Kenya with the EWS.